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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  August 13, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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soros and the funding senator to the stretch for american progress not known for the cost cutting measures. but, there is a booklet on education. and it said that these are the things, the niche items that we can cut from education. are you ready? u.s. history. constitutional studies. and anything to do with economics. that's what the center for american progress, they say that is "niche." the constitution. well, the reason i wanted to tell you about that is because that "niche" history is being erased and it will get much, much worse.
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the way history has been disappearing you have to ask yourself, why? why have you not been talked some of the things you have learned on this program? history is a series of rock solid evidence that progressive policies do not work. the only way to convince people to keep trying them is to keep changing the names, places, dates, ander rate whole sessions of history. you have to change history. progressives are an enemy to the constitution. they want to progress beyond the constitution. wilson and fdr are "great american presidents," if you read anything about will senator, you will not believe that this guy isn't known as one of the worst presidents of all time. racist. >> awful.
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this guy is, remembered as neutral, at best. we're told of all the wonderful things he d high got us out of the great depression. why is the defor examples called the great depression? every other country but for america, in america it's called the great depression. because of the policies of fdr. now, have you ever heard of coolidge? if so, what do you know about him? you read anything in your history books and they will say, he ran a laisse faire-style government. let's talk about laisse faire government. i don't know what that means. calvin coolidge, the president progressives need you to forget about. he was actually ronald reagan's favorite president. or one of them.
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he drastically reduced the size of government and thwarted a depression. a depression in 190? -- in 1920. did you know that, bigger than the one in 1929. what did he do to get out of that decline? the country was in horrible shape and when he left, it was the roaring 1920's, a fact progressives don't want you to notice. we will look at america's, one of best presidents we've ever had that you don't know very much about. and we have an historian and author of "silent cal," and wrote an unbelievable book you should read and we also have a woman who wrote "the forgotten man," before i knew anything about progressism i was seeing the economy spiral out of alcohol and i picked up "the
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forgotten man," and she is responsible for the nightmare that people call me now because i learned so much from that book and got me kind of into this rabbit hole that is now called the glenn beck program, a senior fellow at the council of foreign relations which is evil and a contributing writer to a new booked "why coolidge matters," and writing a new one on coolidge just called "coolidge." right? >> yes. >> why the heck would anyone care about coolidge? >> every politician who wants to obtain office says they will do four or five things: cut taxes, reduce waste in government, cut the debt and i will bring you prosperity and everything will have a job and there will be no inflation and they infer do -- never do it. we fall for it and they never do
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it. and coolidge did all of those things. and then the historians and the pundits say, he was in office for six years and didn't do a dam thing. >>glenn: that's his highlight. he did a lot but it was in reducing government, not going to save anybody. >>guest: that's right. i call him the great refrainer because he was the opposite of a modern president. when he saw trouble he refrained and stood back and said, therefore, things may get better if someone stays out of the way. what are examples? a big one was the flood of the mississippi in 1927, their katrina. did he race down there? no. he did not. he sent his commerce secretary, but he did not jump in. he said, maybe the federal government's role isn't to jump in. maybe it's the job of the states to manage a regional crisis. there was federal funding that he signed for this crisis, this
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terrible flood, but he made the lawmakers reduce the funding to a third of the size and said don't magnify this emergency and give a new role to the federal government, make it smaller. >>glenn: what year did this happen? >>guest: 1927. >>glenn: so people understand this emergency, a large area was under 30' of water. how big was it? all >>guest: hundreds of miles. dpleb under 30' of water, hundreds died, the katrina of the 120's, of that generation, this was the katrina, and, to show you the difference in how far we've come with progressives, at the time this happened, nobody was standing on their roof with signs saying "help me." they were helping themselves. and what he did actually was
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even a big step forward. people were not, the federal government at the time did not go in and solve the problems. he refrained from that. he refraiped from pouring federal money into it. hoover coordinated as he did in many cases in the world war i food shortage, through voluntarism and opposes federal aid to highways and such and this kind of taking money from one state, texas, and giving it to new york or whatever. this is what he said. this is sacrificing their vested rights and not a wholesome practice no matter how worthy the object to be obtained. it's just something which rewards the spenders. when you get money for free you don't work it as if you worked it to earn it. >>guest: nothing of value you do
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not appreciate the value. >>glenn: he understand that because of the background in vermont and he goes around with his father, a tax collector and he says when i went around with my father i realize people had to work to earn money to pay those taxes. a very simple lesson. but which a lot of people in washington, dc, don't know that today. >>glenn: so you understand the setting. wilson, if you have watched two minutes of this show, you know i hate that guy, wilson has taken this country and while he is in office, he has given us federal income tax, he has given us prohibition, wilson gave us the fed, he totally trance followed -- transformed things and introducing social justice and tried to introduce the league of
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nations, the united nations and american like the league of nations as much as we now like the united nations, through trickery and progressive tactics that got the united nations through. they learned that is what progressives do, which devices work and which don't. so he was wildly unpopular. the second term he runs against the war and says i will keep you out of war. in january he is sworn in and the next month, march, he is sworn in back then, and in april we're at war. a month later. a month later. we're at war. then you have the plague, the epidemic, the flu that wipes people out. and guys start to come home and all of this is happening and america is traumatized and wilson at the time now incapacitated, he had a stroke and his wife is actually
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holding, nobody in congress has seen him for a year, and his wife is signing all of the documents. it is crazy town. the reason i tell you, does any of it sound familiar? america had been fundamentally transformed in a very relatively short period of time and americans were freaking out when wilson starts, and the income tax is 7 percent and during the war they take it down to 70 when he leaves and that year is a year of tremendous problems, the great strategic ridden year of labor unrest in the country and also a year of domestic terrorism weapon we had the wall street bombing which has been, we heard with the times square bombing and we had bombings of the attorney general's office of his home. that ends up blowing body parts into the roof of the next door neighbor's house, across the street, roosevelt. things are a mess. and what is wilson doing?
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he's obsessing about a new world order, the league of nations, creating this thing, the world situation and ignores the thing that the country is going to hell in a hand basket. >> america is freaking out. and they know they don't want any of this progressive nightmare. and, so, they have to change presidents. and they vote for harding who serves how long? >>guest: until august 2, 1923. >>guest: one event we are missing is a police strike in boston at this time an example of new union power and progressive power and the police were underpaid so it was a come -- compelling strike but coolidge said that these people are striking and we're having trouble in boston. chaos. people being hurt and killed. and he said there is no right to
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strike against the public safety by anyone, anywhere, any time. this was governor coolidge and the country heard and said, someone has drawn the line. the unions can only go so far and not further. there's no right to striking against public safety. that woke the country up. >>glenn: look at the similarities here. look at the mid-1900's, 1916, 1917, 1920, the 1930's under fdr and the 1960's under j.f.k. and especially lbj, and then, now, you have the giant progressive periods and look what they all have in common: civil unrest; horrible, horrible economies; war; terrorism; some sort of domestic terrorism; and unions that are absolutely running
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everything out-of-control. that's significant. isn't it? should people notice when we have these progressive giants, these exact things come into may they exploit crisis and in coolidge's time period, there is a saying the happiest days of mankind are rip on the plank pages of history. so. yes, there is in war with coolidge. and this could have been a war. there were adventures of someone galloping into mexico under wilson and he settled that down. he settled that down and brought the troops home from nicaragua with early ?ft -- with the sandinistas but this was no great crisis because that's not the measure. the measure is often what you avoid. was he progressive at all? was there any part of him
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progressive? he doesn't seem -- progressives on the republican side go out and do war but war as americans, led by americans. roosevelt where the progressives on the democratic side go out and do war under an international umbrella. was he progressive at all? not just on war? i would say he was liberal in the classical sense, standing up for the individual. >> libertarian. >> liberal in the european sense which is standing up for women, women got the vote around then and he was a big fan of women. he appointed women but not as a group, as individuals. like blacks are members, not a political group. as individuals he was a big help to blacks. let them be citizens. >>glenn: and well start here at blacks because wilson, the progressive, was a night mayor
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for african-americans, a nightmare. i don't need to get --. >> coolidge when he is lt. governor of massachusetts he is talking about the war and he says the german government has been knocking us and they have been knocking the fact that we have colored troops in europe fighting alongside in other units with us and i would hope when we finally accept the surrender of the german government we will have a contingent of colored troops and. when he was running for office in 1924 he did not speak out against the klan but he spoke to jewish and the knights of columbus and he delivered a graduating address at the am black howard university. when he goes and dedicates the world war i memorial in kansas city which is a southern-like
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town, he insists a detachment of black traps from the army post accompany him which, again, is a come meet reversal of wilson. i passing over harding and harding was important but coolidge was harding's vice president and harding dies in august. and didn't his father swear coolidge in? >>guest: when harding dies she on a great western trip, up in alaska and comes to california and takes ill, dies after a few days in san francisco, and they bring the news to cool him and as i said, he comes from a little town in vermont. and the place is so isolated, there's no phone and the vice president of the united states is vacationing there with his father on the old homestead, and they have to drive 10 to 12 miles to get to the place at 1:00 o'clock in the morning to let the vice president he is now
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the president of the united states, and they swear him in because he says he's practical and says we cannot go without a president very long. who can do this? my father's a notary and he calls the department of state, can a notary do it? yes. and they do it. >>glenn: sit by kerosene light and i will explain why and you will have a little hope on what we're facing today. we see the parallels on the setup. remember, kerosene lamp. stay tuned.   
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>>glenn: we're talking about my favorite u.s. president, coolidge. this is a seat cusion. there are some president's faces that belong, well, never mind ... that's, well, that is
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beneath me, but it really is not. and now, calvin coolidge and there is more on, the truth about calvin coolidge. i want to talk where we last it off. everyone has the point that it's a lot like today. he comes into office, it's a lot like today. people are freaking out. you have a huge government going in the other direction and coolidge is brought in. >>guest: actually, harding. the taxes are cut under harding from 70 percent to 56 percent and coolidge brings it down more. >>glenn: and melon the treasury guy is involved. and he is involved.
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and, then, later, vilified and persecuted under this, seriously persecutessed under fdr he is the genius behind it and he says you have to cut taxes, cut spending, and they do, they do quite a bit, and things move in the right direction. right? >>guest: they do. unemployment is 3.3 percent during coolidge's six years and the gross national product increases by 7 percent and income grows by 30 percent. and real earnings up by 22 percent. >>guest: the point is it wasn't easy for them to get the tax cuts through. we think it is obvious, and now it is impossible. but they worked very hard. though wrote books and, recall, at that time most people did not pay the income tax so they were voting for tax cuts for rich people and that is a hard sell for politicians and it worked because melon and coolidge
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believed in trickle down if the rich people paid less tax, they would invest more and there would be more jobs for regular people. it actually worked. >>glenn: explain that because now 50 percent of the country doesn't pay income tax. they actually get money back. what was the percentage that really was being hit hard? >>guest: fewer paid income tax then. that's why it was said to be impossible to cut the income tax on the rich people. >>glenn: and they vilified under wilson, exactly what is happening again now. >>guest: when you lower the taxes, you get the rich paying more, oddly enough, because when they lower those rates in 1920, 15.4 percent of personal income taxes are paid by those paying $5,000 a year or less, and when
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coolidge leaves office in 1929 that is down to 0.4 percent and he leaves 98 percent of all people are no longer paying federal income taxes, they have been removed from the rolls. and the rich are actually, the fast cats, those earning over $100,000 a year, they their percentage almost doubles. >>glenn: so, now, we have them making the case that it's actually good, do you remember a really good sell? >>guest: a book was written with melon's advisor, his wife, called "taxation, the people's business," making the case that poor people should care about high taxes because of jobs and they weren't created when taxes were too high and he stumped and
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coolidge stumped so you see a sustained campaign over several years and the tax rate was brought down to 25 which is a low for us. even reagan did not get down to 25. low for us in our history. but not right away. what's important to know it was several years of legislative work before they got there. >>glenn: now the result, and this is why i say it is important for you to know, when coolidge is sworn into office, he wasn't near a phone. he was sworn in by lamp light. most people at this . have a car or air conditioning and this stuff was very unique but something happened. in our history books, it is treated as imagine issues, all of a sudden people got greedy and rich. the roofing -- the roaring 20's,
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and we view them as a time that just magically happened and people got greedy and they were all rich and all flappers and they all went to the great gadsby and it crashed, right? is that what we learned? that is it. so, the roaring 20's did in the -- did not just happen because of the government they happened because the government withdrew. now, coolidge does not create that. coolidge lets the people create the prosperity. >>glenn: correct. harding starts it and coolidge cements it with melon. >>guest: he is sinl -- single minded. >>glenn: when he leaves
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office, before, no one has cars, and no one has anything. >>guest: three times as many cars, electricity in half the country. >>glenn: i want to go into the stats because i don't think america can understand the common man prosperity that came out of the roaring 20's. we will give that next.
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>> mechanical problems were not the cause of this week's small plane crash in alaska. investigators are focusing on the pilot's action. former senator ted stevens and four others died. b.p. will work on a release well to ensure the leak is sealed but engineers are not decided on the best way to proceed. the state of alabama is suing b.p. for damage because of the
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spill. and work on iran's nuclear plant will begin next week. russia says it will ship fuel to be loaded interest a nuclear reactor which will send electricity to iranian cities. for more on the stores visit and now special report preview. >> congresswoman waters will fight ethics charges and the president signs a bill to put guards along the border with mexico. a special report starts at 6:00 eastern and now glenn beck. ♪ hot feet. ♪ hot feet. ♪ what will i do >>glenn: roaring 20's, and we think of that, really, people that are living a strange high
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life. we thing of the great gadsby and people don't have any concept of reality. and then the crash. the crash. that's not exactly true. back with us is the author and historian of "silent cal's almanac," and contributing writer to "why coolidge matters," and i didn'ting a bioon coolidge and also the author of a great book. how many years has this been out? >>guest: 2007. "forgotten man," so, we are left, now, with the roaring 20's. they cull the spending. they not only reduced taxes but he reduces the spending by at least half, does he not? >>guest: roughly. and he reduces the national debt. >>glenn: so he is totally transforming america pack to
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why, closer to fiscal solvency and getting out of the way so the government, the economy can grow. >>glenn: we were talking how this transformed. you do not have to think of the great gadsby but the lives of average americans and the lives of average americans, 1920, nobody really has a car. bit time he leaves office, three times the amount of people, three times the amount of cars on the road which was an expensive item. it's not that the price of cars necessarily came dropping through the floor in price but people made money, more money, right? tell me what happened to income. what did the average person in the 1920's? >>guest: we hear about incomes, they went up. what is interesting about the 20's, they didn't have
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inflation. they had low unemployment. the unemployment stayed below 5 percent in coolidge's time. in the three's in his time and now economist sthaiz is impossible, saying the economy will heat up. it was a golden time. people earned more. their money was worth more. and in addition to the cars their houses were electrified. so that meant for women especially, housework changed. women could turn to other things. they didn't have to rub want boards. we have lots of drawings of women rubbing wash boards, they experienced hours and hours to bake, to iron. that ended with the appliance in the home. that was coolidge. >>glenn: that is a big deal and that led to some of the euphoria, the first time that
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anyone in the history of the world an average person was able to have real leisure time. and radio comes in. the movies are more and more popular. the average work week decreases by 4 percent. when people work six day as week trying to greet that down, that is good opposed to being down 4 percent or 10 percent in 2010. and the funding and things which cool limg talks about we are not just having wealth for wealth. we want to have wealth for education, for charity, for culture, things that speak of civilization. at the state level. and that is education spending increases in the 1920's, four times. there is no federal money. no genius on the potomac doing this but the people in school districts. at the state level. and they are getting the job done. in a wonderful way.
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and illiteracy falls by half in that decade. >>glenn: we will top this and take a break.
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local kids. for information on how to help, visit >> and the author of a book on calvin coolidge. where do you get calvin coolidge shoes? guess guess around 43rd street. >>glenn: and these are calvin coolidge's boots. >>guest: from a wonderful library that has a museum of
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coolidge's things. >>glenn: and i'm wearing my shoes. and this is actually his hat, too, isn't it? >>guest: from the forbes library. >>glenn: and it says "calvin coolidge." i have been freaking out because i don't want to spill anything on it. that stain is when we brought it out of the miew seem. so, let me go to chris in the audience because you have the logical question, chris. >> people believe he would have been responsible for the great depression. what are your thoughts and what do you believe he brought it around? >>glenn: you say that because of the great overheating and the for regulation or little regulation? >>guest: right. guess guess a number of points. depresses were by cycle, coming every 10 years or so and the
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question is not if they would come but what do you do to get out of them. in 1920 harding and coolidge get us out and 1930 we don't get out because of hoover. and hoover talked about speculation and whether sit a depression or great depression or if sit a comeback, unemployment receded to 6 percent in june of 1930. then, they raised the tariff, the smoot hally, and they said we would adjust it later and they said that is the worse thing to do, don't do it. >>glenn: that is what we are doing now. people are not spending because does anyone in the audience think we are past the worst? if you run a business, do you think now's a great time to
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expand? why? because you know we are not beyond the worst and why not? because you are not sure what the government is going to do next. so they could change all the rules. >>guest: one thing we used to mock was "normalcy," a harding phrase, but, now, we have a new appreciation of it saying i don't want too much change so we can recover from the wartime first and then the recession they had and coolidge believed instead difficulting -- steadying the boat. >>guest: there is a question, is the federal government responsible for the stock market? is it responsible? some say that the state of new
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york and that is roosevelts. >>glenn: here is what america, i didn't understand, two or three years ago. when david said that depressions were by cycles, they were. it's the creative process. it comes up. it crashes. it comes up. it crashes. we had sell every 10 years and we had them every 10 years all the way along. as the economy started to grow and we became more and more enter dependent it would happen and it would transform everything and it would crash. that's why the fed was introduced because the argument to the american people how they got it passed, they said all the depressions, they have to end. and we will be able to control it. we will be able to make sure the economy does not everheat, does not get out-of-control, et cetera, et cetera, and you do
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not have the crashes anymore. well, we have had them about every 10 years. i contend we made it worse by having the control set in.
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>>glenn: we're talking about calvin coolidge, he changed america at the end of a progressive time with wilson, harding and coolidge and mellon changed america dramatically. elizabeth? >>guest: why don't they spend more time covering him in history class? >>glenn: i will ask the police attorneys. david? >>guest: the new deal police tons dominated the market for half a accepttory, and conserve differents are catching up now, but, they had to not only build up fdr and denigrate coolidge and that's a big part of it. >>guest: they didn't really pay attention to the economics of the 20's.
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in order to make the new deal look more necessary as david is saying, if the 20's were all right the new deal wasn't as necessary as alleged that's a problem. >>glenn: i have to say your book "the forgotten man," and david "1920," opened my eyes. it seems like, i am, as you know, i have not seen you since you wrote this, you defended me in an article at one point and i thank you for that. as you know, historians have demondayized you guys and me and what in the article that you wrote, why did you say they do that? >>guest: well, the academy is a guild. they're a club. the teachers. they teach well but they don't want new people, that is what a cartel or guild is.
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when someone comes from outside with another program, they bristle. for too long we had one franchise, one guild, professors with tenure and lots of people can write history, journalists, radio hosts can write history, we can all learn history in a lot of different ways. i'm working hard making a cartoon book of the for gotten man and a cartoon coolidge to go on with the serious volume of him because they like graphic novels and people who do not read 400 pages still learn. we have to open it up. >>glenn: david, you said conservatives are taking it back? >>guest: people are popping up all over, they are coming out. and there is a mark. you have helped create that market. we owe you so much. but it's a spontaneous outburst
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of conservative history and a hunger for it because people know they do not have the truth yet. >>glenn: america, david you said you owe me, no, you don't. here is the thing: i went looking for the truth and i started with you. i started looking for the truth because nothing made sense to me. i was lick, how did we get to a place where we hate our founding fathers and the constitution doesn't marry? how did we get if there to here? when you read history and not the history they have been jacking down our threats for is long, when you look at alternate history, and you read it, now, all of a sudden it makes sense. you say, wait a minute, they say that is not true, but if i put that one part in the history, where we are is beginning to make sense. i can see how we got there.
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i think the american people know it in their gut. they know. they know some's not right. 
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>>glenn: you think the show has been controversial before. well, the next couple of weeks are ping to be a wild ride. i invite you to join me. next week we are doing two or he episodes called "america revealed." it is the good, bad, and the ugly on the civil rights movement. the truth you have never heard before. watch it. it's an important series. and the week after that, i'll be down in washington, dc, the whole week getting ready for the event at lincoln and was on the anniversary of martin luther king "i had a dream," 8/28, a saturday morning, 10:00 a.m., washington, dc. see you then. from new york.


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